Impact healthcare apps on our life

ZenBit Tech
7 min readJul 1, 2020


It’s indeed amazing how various technological discoveries that many of us thought would not be possible years ago or straight out of a sci-fi movie are what we are using these days to improve healthcare delivery. The future of healthcare is advancing at a rapid rate with the development of different devices that help to save lives, improve the quality of life for the population, and completely changed processes relating to research, innovation, and education. The future of healthcare depends on us working together with technology and healthcare professionals have to get familiar with progressing healthcare technologies to remain significant in the years to come.

The impact technology has on the general well-being of people and the prevention of diseases.

Now, medical defects can be detected before it becomes a big medical issue. Technology plays a major role in the early diagnosis which intends prevents any further medical complications. Technology has made various tiresome activities a lot easier. Various applications on smartphones and other devices have revolutionized healthcare and made it paperless. It stores all the users’ data into a common format and integrates it into a single and secure platform making it easier for medical practitioners to interpret the information to make the necessary diagnosis and this information can be easily accessed by the user from anywhere at any time.

There are many applications out there that are contributing to this efficient healthcare delivery. They are as follows:

Nutritional Applications;

There are a lot of nutritional applications that help one to track his or her calories. Every individual has a certain amount of calories to consume to attain the best shape and health and these applications help in calculating the number of calories by estimating the carbohydrate counts, protein counts, vitamins counts and the counts of other essential nutrients that could contribute significantly to the health of an individual. Other applications help individuals to locate healthy eating centers and place, create a diet menu, plan a healthy dietary plan, and also share food recipes among individuals. Example of these applications includes:

Food intolerance: This application focus on helping an individual with restricted foods, allergies, and food intolerance to have their freedom in choosing the best kind of food that will not trigger their allergic reaction or hypersensitivity reactions. It features a lot of foods rated for a series of allergies and intolerance. Hence it is up to the individual to filter and sort most of the foods out by knowing the implications to avoid common mistakes.

Nutrients-Nutritional facts: This application provides all-inclusive information on foods. One can get access to thousands of foods on this platform. One can count his calories using this app. It also makes it possible for one to plan his or her meal recipes and also a breakdown of his or her routine nutrients for easy changes.

Myplate calorie counter: Healthy lifestyle is becoming a necessity for mankind. This application makes it possible for one to count the number of carbohydrates, the number of protein and fat that he needs daily. It helps in weight management and a healthy eating lifestyle.

Application checking the health of women

The health of women is very essential and crucial in the healthcare delivery industry. The well-being of a woman is not just for herself but for the entire family, society, and the country as a whole. Several applications have been developed to help ladies track their menses and sexual health. Female technology or Femtech is software and a diagnostic tool designed to address females’ health issues. An example includes; Flo, pregnancy tracker app, birth control app, menses, and the fertility tracker app.

Pregnancy tracker app: This application cannot be a replacement for medical care. But it has been very useful since its discovery. Mothers and mothers-to-be go through a lot of changes during pregnancy. Starting from morning sickness, changes in the mother’s body, and development of the fetus. This application makes it possible for mothers to visit their doctors for appointments, take their prenatal vitamins, and also to monitor the fast-growing changes with both the mother and the developing fetus.

Menses and fertility tracker app: This application helps the ladies to track to their period and when they should have intercourse. It feeds on information that is been entered. It follows a certain algorithm but it purely depended on the information the lady enters. A lot of women have skipped or avoided been pregnant in a good way by using this application. There are other applications such as Clue, Flo, and Natural Cycles.

Birth control app: Birth control application has been designed in such a way you can structure it in your way to provide information on your symptom history and contraceptive use. This application can calculate your fertile days in your period to aid in natural birth control. It provides charts on your fertility window as a woman over some time, so that you can easily tell the best time to avoid intercourse. Regarding ladies on pills, it can alert you on your time of taking the pill and also when you are fertile and not fertile.

Application for mental health

Mental health is one of the alarming issues in our society today. Treating these conditions requires a lot of money and not everyone can afford its management. It, therefore, makes it very necessary for people to have access to these applications that can help in managing these conditions. People download these applications freely and it serves a guide in their treatment. Most of the health smartphone applications are designed to treat psychiatric conditions. These apps are grouped as;

1. Mental illness app for managing stress and schizophrenia.

2. Self-development application for people recovering from drug addictions.

3. Applications for managing stress and helping people recover from their addiction.

Irrespective of the group they fall under, the application should be able to have a unique feature in all that will help these people to communicate with their licensed specialists in times of difficulties. An example is Breathe2relax!

Application for fitness

Most of the smartphones and applications these days have been designed in a way to track your steps, the number of kilometres you cover daily, your hydration, blood pressure, heart rate, heart rhythm. These applications are designed in such a way that it syncs with our biological heart rate and rhythm and these data are displayed in a form of figures or chart for easy interpretation and understanding. This encourages a healthy living lifestyle and it eventually improves the mental, social, and psychological being. Examples of these applications include

In the nutshell, one can boldly say technology has added more benefits to our healthcare system and continues to add value to an individual’s health and society as a whole. We expect more from medical technology experts to design and implement policies for more applications and technology-friendly software to be employed in our healthcare system.



ZenBit Tech
ZenBit Tech

Written by ZenBit Tech

Custom software and cloud Solutions | Data engineering Talks about #medtech, #appdevelopment and #softwaredevelopment

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