The alarming rise in cyber attacks targeting a growing player base in gaming

Dmitry Broshkov
5 min readDec 21, 2023

As the gaming industry continues its exponential growth in both revenue and player base, it inevitably becomes a prime target for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities within its expansive virtual landscape. The allure of popular and highly anticipated games serves as an ideal camouflage for malicious campaigns, with cybercriminals leveraging the widespread enthusiasm of gamers to disseminate their harmful payloads.

Disturbingly, a significant portion of the gaming community, approximately 25% as of 2022, consists of underage players, rendering them particularly vulnerable to the machinations of attackers. This demographic, often characterized by a lack of cybersecurity awareness, becomes a prime focus for cybercriminals seeking to capitalize on their naivety and trust in online platforms.

The pervasiveness of the threat is underscored by the alarming statistics uncovered by cybersecurity experts. In the preceding year alone, Kaspersky identified a staggering 4,076,530 instances of desktop infection attempts related to gaming, affecting an extensive global player base numbering 192,456 individuals. This epidemic of cyber threats within the gaming sphere demonstrates the pressing need for heightened security measures to safeguard players and their digital experiences.

A prevailing method employed by cybercriminals involves the dissemination of malicious content through seemingly innocuous channels, such as mods, cheats, and other game-related software. Additionally, well-known games themselves may be repurposed as carriers for malware, exploiting the trust placed in these titles by unsuspecting users. The insidious nature of these tactics amplifies the challenges faced by cybersecurity experts in their ongoing battle against virtual threats.

An overwhelming majority of these malevolent files, constituting 86.70%, manifest as “Downloaders,” a form of unwanted software that, while seemingly benign, serves as a conduit for malware and other nefarious programs to infiltrate users’ devices. This underscores the importance of vigilance and caution among gamers when downloading and installing third-party content, even if it appears to enhance their gaming experience.

Within this landscape of digital peril, Trojans and adware emerge as the predominant risks associated with desktop gaming. Trojans, accounting for 2.39% of the identified threats, pose a significant danger by disguising themselves as legitimate software, subsequently compromising the security of users’ systems. Simultaneously, adware, constituting 5.25% of the detected threats, inundates users with unwanted advertisements, creating a dual threat of annoyance and potential security breaches.

As the gaming industry evolves, so too must the cybersecurity measures in place to protect its vast and diverse player base. Players, irrespective of age, must remain vigilant and adopt proactive measures to fortify their digital defenses, ensuring a secure and enjoyable gaming experience in the face of an ever-growing cyber threat landscape.

Minecraft is the most popular lure game

The researchers delved into an in-depth analysis of risk factors associated with the top 14 games poised for release or available for download on popular streaming platforms like Origin and Steam, as well as titles compatible with various gaming platforms. Minecraft emerged as the predominant bait, constituting a staggering 70.29% of all detected instances. Following closely were Roblox at 20.37%, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive at 4.78%, and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds at 2.85%.

When it comes to mobile malware, Minecraft users found themselves as the primary targets, accounting for a substantial 90.37% of cases. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds users followed at 5.09%, with Roblox and Baldur’s Gate at 3.33% and 0.68%, respectively.

The peril is exacerbated by the lucrative nature of gaming accounts. Many games facilitate the buying and selling of valuable in-game items, turning gaming accounts into a lucrative revenue stream for cybercriminals. This is particularly true for accounts boasting an extensive collection of popular games and are linked to a credit card.

Furthermore, the gaming industry’s susceptibility to such cyber threats is heightened by the allure of free in-game items or skins. The act of distributing these complimentary virtual assets stands out as one of the most favored tactics employed by cybercriminals, capitalizing on the eagerness of gamers to enhance their virtual experiences. As gaming ecosystems continue to expand, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes increasingly imperative to safeguard both players and the gaming industry at large.

The surge in worldwide game usage is indicative of a burgeoning global gaming culture, with the United States and the Asia-Pacific regions experiencing the most substantial spikes in engagement. According to projections from Statista, the number of mobile gamers worldwide is expected to reach a staggering 2.3 billion by 2027, underscoring the pervasive and inclusive nature of the gaming phenomenon.

The economic landscape of gaming is equally impressive, with an estimated US$242.39 billion generated from gaming activities on a global scale. Remarkably, the Asia-Pacific region emerges as a powerhouse in this industry, contributing approximately half of the total revenue. The trajectory of growth is poised for further acceleration, as experts anticipate the global gaming revenue to surpass the half-trillion-dollar mark, reaching an impressive US$583.69 billion by the year 2030.

Amidst this digital renaissance, the responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents to equip themselves with the knowledge needed to safeguard their young gamers. Even for those not naturally inclined towards technology, a plethora of informative materials are readily available online. These resources serve as comprehensive guides, outlining the primary risks associated with gaming, thereby empowering parents to foster an environment where their children can revel in the gaming experience while maintaining a paramount focus on safety.

Vigilance is paramount in this dynamic digital landscape, urging parents and guardians to remain watchful and proactive. Cautionary measures include refraining from downloading applications from unverified third-party websites, which may harbor potential threats to cybersecurity. Equally important is the imperative to instill in young gamers the awareness of avoiding the disclosure of sensitive personal information to unknown entities. By staying informed and implementing these protective measures, parents can create a secure digital space for their children, ensuring that the world of gaming remains a source of joy without compromising on safety.



Dmitry Broshkov

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